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Diese Datenschutzrichtlinie tritt am 25. Oktober 2008 in Kraft.

Der Kunde erkennt an, über ausreichende Englisch- und/oder Spanischkenntnisse zu verfügen, um die folgenden Bedingungen zu verstehen und zu akzeptieren:

V&V Vehículos VIP provides this Privacy Policy to inform you of our policies and procedures regarding the collection, use, protection, and disclosure of Personal Information received from your use of this website, located at, as well as all related websites, applications, browser extensions, and other services provided by us (collectively, together with the Site, our “Service”), and in connection with our customer, vendor, and partner relationships. This Privacy Policy also tells you about your rights and choices with respect to your Personal Information, and how you can reach us to update your contact information or get answers to questions you may have about our privacy practices.

The website and its content is owned by V&V Vehículos VIP. The term “you” refers to the user of our Service or viewer of and applications.

This Privacy Policy describes how we collect, use, process and distribute your information, including Personal Data (as defined below) used to access our Service.

We will not use or share your information with anyone except as described in this Privacy Policy. The use of information collected through our Service shall be limited to the purposes under this Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use to customers.

Please read this Privacy Policy carefully. We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy on the Website at any time without notice. In the event of a material change, we will let you know via email and / or a prominent notice on our Website.

Use of any personal information or contribution that you provide to us, or which is collected by us on or through our Service or its content is governed by this Privacy Policy. By using our Service or its content, you consent to this Privacy Policy, whether or not you have read it.

Please direct any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy or V&V's treatment of personal information by writing to us at Chief Technology Officer c/o VBVH SAS, Carrera 23#68-22, Bogotá, Colombia.

Personal Information We May Collect

For the purpose of this Privacy Policy, “Personal Information” means any information relating to an identified or identifiable individual. We obtain Personal Information relating to you from various sources described below.

Where applicable, we indicate whether and why you must provide us with your Personal Information, as well as the consequences of failing to do so. If you do not provide Personal Information when requested, you may not be able to benefit from our Service if that information is necessary to provide you with the service or if we are legally required to collect it.

We collect personal information from you so that we can provide you with a positive experience when utilizing our Website or and delivering services to you. We will only collect the minimum amount of information necessary for us to fulfill our obligation to you. We may collect:

  1. A name and an email address so we can deliver our confirmations, receipts, service updates, travel/traffic warnings and newsletter to you – you would be affirmatively consenting to this by providing this to us in our contact forms.
  2. Billing information including name, address and credit card information so that we can process payment to deliver our services to you under our contractual obligation.
  3. A name and an email address if you complete our contact form with a question. We may send you marketing emails with either your consent or if we believe we have a legitimate interest to contact you based on your contact or question.
  4. Geographical location information if you use our app or the private section of the website as a driver/greeter, in order to report your location or the vehicle location to our system and allow our dispatch to perform vehicle assignments or client support when they call and ask for driver/greeter location.

Please note that the information above (“Personal Data”) that you are giving to us is voluntarily, and by you providing this information to us you are giving consent for us to use, collect and process this Personal Data. You are welcome to opt-out or request for us to delete your Personal Data at any point by contacting us at

If you choose not to provide us with certain Personal Data, you may not be able to participate in certain aspects of our Website and/or Service.

Other Information We May Collect:

Anonymous Data Collection and Use

To maintain our Website’s high quality, we may use your IP address to help diagnose problems with our server and to administer the Website by identifying which areas of the Website are most heavily used, and to display content according to your preferences. Your IP address is the number assigned to computers connected to the Internet. This is essentially “traffic data” which cannot personally identify you, but is helpful to us for marketing purposes and for improving our services. Traffic data collection does not follow a user’s activities on any other websites in any way. Anonymous traffic data may also be shared with business partners and advertisers on an aggregate basis.

Cookies and Similar Technologies

Like many websites, we also use “cookie” technology to collect additional website usage data and to improve the Site and our Service. A cookie is a small data file that we transfer to your computer’s or mobile device hard drive. A session cookie enables certain features of the Site and our service and is deleted from your computer or mobile device when you disconnect from or leave the Site. A persistent cookie remains after you close your browser and may be used by your browser on subsequent visits to the Site.

Use of cookies enables V&V: 1.To estimate V&V's audience size and usage pattern; 2.To store information about Customer preferences and language and so allow us to customize the Site according to Customer individual interests; 3.To continually improve V&V's services; and 4.To recognize the Customer upon return to the Site.

Persistent cookies can be removed by following your web browser help file directions. Most Internet browsers automatically accept cookies. V&V Vehículos VIP may use both session cookies and persistent cookies to better understand how you interact with the Site and our Service, to monitor aggregate usage by our users and web traffic routing on the Site, and to improve the Site and our Service.

We may also automatically record certain information from your device by using various types of technology, including “clear gifs” or “web beacons.” This automatically collected information may include your IP address or other device address or ID, web browser and/or device type, the web pages or sites that you visit just before or just after you use the Service, the pages or other content you view or otherwise interact with on the Service, and the dates and times that you visit, access, or use the Service. We also may use these technologies to collect information regarding your interaction with email messages, such as whether you opened, clicked on, or forwarded a message, to the extent permitted under applicable law.

You can instruct your browser, by editing its options, to stop accepting cookies or to prompt you before accepting a cookie from the websites you visit. Please note that if you delete, or choose not to accept, cookies from the Service, you may not be able to utilize the features of the Service to their fullest potential.

Do Not Track

V&V Vehículos VIP does not process or respond to web browsers’ “do not track” signals or other similar transmissions that indicate a request to disable online tracking of users who use our Service.

What We Do With Information We Collect

Contact You

We may contact you with information that you provide to us based on these lawful grounds for processing:

  1. Consent. We may contact you if you give us your clear, unambiguous, affirmative consent to contact you.
  2. Contract. We will contact you under our contractual obligation to deliver the products or services you purchase from us. This includes communicating with you to create and manage your account, provide our various services, verify your account preferences and to respond to your inquiries and for informational and operational purposes, such as account management, customer service, or system maintenance, including by periodically emailing you service-related announcements; the creation and management of your account, the provision of our services and respond to your inquiries.
  3. Legitimate Interest. We may contact you if we feel you have a legitimate interest in hearing from us. For example, if you reserve an airport transfer, we may send you marketing emails regarding additional services that you might be interested in. You will always have the option to opt out of any of our emails.

Process Payments

We will use the Personal Data you give to us in order to process your payment for the purchase of services under a contract. We only use third-party payment processors that take the utmost care in securing data and comply with the GDPR.

Targeted Social Media Advertisements

We may use the data you provide to us to run social media advertisements and/or create look-alike audiences for advertisements.

Share with Third Party Processors

We may share your information with trusted third parties such as our newsletter provider in order to contact you via email, our merchant accounts to process payments, and Google/social media accounts in order to run advertisements.

Share With Network Partners

We may share Personal Information with our headquarters, affiliate operators, and business partners to whom it is reasonably necessary or desirable for us to disclose your data to provide you with services and for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy.

Viewing by Others

Note that whenever you voluntarily make your Personal Data available for viewing by others online through this Website or its content, it may be seen, collected and used by others, and therefore, we cannot be responsible for any unauthorized or improper use of the information that you voluntarily share (i.e., sharing a comment on a blog post, posting in a Facebook group that we manage, sharing details on a group coaching call, etc.).

Compliance with Laws and Law Enforcement

V&V Vehículos VIP cooperates with government and law enforcement officials or private parties to enforce and comply with the law. To the extent permitted under applicable law, we may disclose any information about you to government or law enforcement officials or private parties as we believe is necessary or appropriate to investigate, respond to, and defend against claims, for legal process (including subpoenas), to protect the property and rights of V&V Vehículos VIP or a third party, to protect V&V Vehículos VIP against liability, for the safety of the public or any person, to prevent or stop any illegal, unethical, fraudulent, abusive, or legally actionable activity, to protect the security or integrity of the Services we provide and any equipment used to make the Service available, or to comply with the law.

Submission, Storage, Sharing and Transferring of Personal Data

Personal Data that you provide to us is stored internally or through a data management system. Your Personal Data will only be accessed by those who help to obtain, manage or store that information, or who have a legitimate need to know such Personal Data (i.e., our hosting provider, newsletter provider, payment processors or team members).

It is important to note that we may transfer data internationally. For users in the European Union, please be aware that we transfer Personal Data outside of the European Union. By using our Website and providing us with your Personal Data, you consent to these transfers in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Data Retention

We retain your Personal Data for the minimum amount of time necessary to provide you with the services that you requested from us. We may include certain Personal Data for longer periods of time if necessary for legal, contractual and accounting obligations.


To use certain features of the Website, including our reservation system or other automated tools, you may need a username and password. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the username and password, and you are responsible for all activities, whether by you or by others, that occur under your username or password and within your account. We cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to protect your username, password or account information. If you share your username or password with others, they may be able to obtain access to your Personal Data at your own risk.

You agree to notify us immediately of any unauthorized or improper use of your username or password or any other breach of security. To help protect against unauthorized or improper use, make sure that you log out at the end of each session requiring your username and password.

We will use our best efforts to keep your username and password(s) private and will not otherwise share your password(s) without your consent, except as necessary when the law requires it or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary, particularly when disclosure is necessary to identify, contact or bring legal action against someone who may be causing injury to others or interfering with our rights or property.


V&V Vehículos VIP is very concerned about safeguarding the confidentiality of your Personal Information. We employ administrative and electronic measures designed to appropriately protect your Personal Information against accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, unauthorized alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access, misuse, and any other unlawful form of processing of the Personal Information in our possession. Please be aware that no security measures are perfect or impenetrable. We take commercially reasonable steps to protect the Personal Data you provide to us from misuse, disclosure or unauthorized access. We only share your Personal Data with trusted third parties who use the same level of care in processing your Personal Data.

That being said, we cannot guarantee that your Personal Data will always be secure due to technology or security breaches. Should there be a data breach of which we are aware, we will inform you immediately.

We will make any legally-required disclosures of any breach of the security, confidentiality, or integrity of your unencrypted electronically stored Personal Information to you via email or conspicuous posting on our Site in the most expedient time possible and without unreasonable delay, consistent with (i) the legitimate needs of law enforcement or (ii) any measures necessary to determine the scope of the breach and restore the reasonable integrity of the data system , and any other disclosures that may be required under applicable law.

We also take measures to delete your Personal Information or keep it in a form that does not permit identifying you when this information is no longer necessary for the purposes for which we process it, unless we are required by law to keep this information for a longer period. When determining the retention period, we take into account various criteria, such as the type of services requested by or provided to you, the nature and length of our relationship with you, possible re-enrollment with our services, the impact on the services we provide to you if we delete some information from or about you, mandatory retention periods provided by law and the statute of limitations.

Information Deletion

  1. Other than information stored locally on the Customers own devices, all personal Customer information provided to and held by V&V, including name, email address and phone numbers are maintained strictly confidencial. Additional passengers personal information are erased from our database 6 month after date of invoice.
  2. All vehicles GPS information are erased 6 month after the date of invoice.
  3. All personal information, and GPS tracking information are removed from calendar events, apps and shared documents accessible to drivers and other third parties involved in the Product/Service delivery 24h after the end of the service.
  4. Credit card in information is not kept by V&V on any server of database but by payment platforms configured to the PCI Data Security Standard (DSS), and developed for merchants by the PCI Security Standards Council to ensure continued protection for credit cards.

The PCI Security Standards Council offers:

  1. Robust and comprehensive standards and supporting materials to enhance payment card data security;
  2. A framework of specifications, tools, measurements and support resources to help organizations ensure the safe handling of cardholder information at every step; and
  3. The PCI DSS which provides an actionable framework for developing a robust payment card data security process-including prevention, detection and appropriate reaction to security incidents.

Information Sharing

  1. V&V will not share personal information with other companies or individuals outside of V&V unless we have a good faith belief that access, use, preservation or disclosure of such information is reasonably necessary to (a) satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process or enforceable governmental request, (b) enforce applicable Terms of Service, including investigation of potential violations thereof, (c) detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security or technical issues, or (d) protect against imminent harm to the rights, property or safety of V&V, its Customers or the public as required or permitted by law.
  2. If V&V becomes involved in a merger, acquisition, or any form of sale of some or all of its assets, V&V will provide notice before personal information is transferred and becomes subject to a different privacy policy.
  3. V&V may share with third parties certain pieces of aggregated, non-personal information, such as the number of Customers who traveled from or to a particular place, for example, or how many Customers clicked on a particular offer. Such information does not identify the Customer individually.


In as much as V&V has developed a Google Maps (Maps) API implementation for use by other Customers in obtaining from V&V Products and services, V&V agrees to adhere to the following:

1.Display to the Customers of V&V's Maps API Implementation the link to Google's Terms of Use as presented through the Service or described in the Maps APIs Documentation; 2. Explicitly state in V&V's Maps API Implementation's terms of use that, by using the V&V Maps API Implementation, your Customers are agreeing to be bound by Google's Terms of Use; and 3. Protect the privacy and legal rights of those Customers.

V&V agrees as required to make publicly available, and must abide by, an appropriate privacy policy in V&V's Maps API Implementation. In particular, if V&V's Maps API Implementation enables a Customer or any party to gain access to information about Customers of the Maps API(s), including but not limited to personally identifiable information (such as Customer names) or non-personally identifiable usage information (such as location), your privacy policy must describe V&V's use and retention of this information

V&V agrees that V&V's privacy policy must notify Customers that they are using the Maps API(s) and incorporate by reference the Google privacy policy by including a link to the Google privacy policy (currently, as amended by Google from time to time.

Attribution to Google

  1. V&V agrees that content provided to V&V through the Google Service may contain the trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names, and other distinctive brand features of Google, its partners, or other third party rights holders of content indexed by Google. When Google provides this attribution, V&V will display it as provided through the Google Service or as described in the Maps APIs Documentation and will not delete or in any manner alter these trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names, and other distinctive brand features.
  2. V&V agrees to include and display the "powered by Google" attribution (and/or any other attribution(s) required by Google as described in the Maps APIs Documentation) conspicuously on the page, in close proximity and adjacent to the Service search box and Google search results. If V&V uses the standard Google search control, or the standard Google search control form, this attribution will be included automatically, and V&V agrees not to modify or obscure this automatically-generated attribution
  3. V&V understands and agrees that Google has the sole right and discretion to determine whether V&V's attribution(s) are in compliance with the above requirements.

How You Can Access, Update or Delete Your Personal Data

You have the right to:

  1. Request information about how your Personal Data is being used and request a copy of what Personal Data we use.
  2. Restrict processing if you think the Personal Data is not accurate, unlawful, or no longer needed.
  3. Rectify or erase Personal Data and receive confirmation of the rectification or erasure. (You have the “right to be forgotten”).
  4. Withdraw your consent at any time to the processing of your Personal Data.
  5. Lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority if you feel we are using your Personal Data unlawfully.
  6. Receive Personal Data portability and transference to another controller without interference.
  7. Object to our use of your Personal Data.
  8. Not be subject to an automated decision based solely on automatic processing, including profiling, which legally or significantly affects you.


You may unsubscribe from our e-newsletters or updates at any time through the unsubscribe link at the footer of all email communications. If you have questions or are experiencing problems unsubscribing, please contact us at


We take commercially reasonable steps to protect the Personal Data you provide to us from misuse, disclosure or unauthorized access. We only share your Personal Data with trusted third parties who use the same level of care in processing your Personal Data. That being said, we cannot guarantee that your Personal Data will always be secure due to technology or security breaches. Should there be a data breach of which we are aware, we will inform you immediately.

Anti-Spam Policy

We have a no spam policy and provide you with the ability to opt-out of our communications by selecting the unsubscribe link at the footer of all e-mails. We will not sell, rent or share your email address.

Third Party Websites

We may link to other websites on our Website. We have no responsibility or liability for the content and activities of any other individual, company or entity whose website or materials may be linked to our Website or its content, and thus we cannot be held liable for the privacy of the information on their website or that you voluntarily share with their website. Please review their privacy policies for guidelines as to how they respectively store, use and protect the privacy of your Personal Data.

Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act Compliance

We do not collect any information from anyone under 18 years of age in compliance with COPPA (Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act) and the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation of the EU). Our Website and its content is directed to individuals who are at least 18 years old or older. If we become aware that a child under 18 has provided us with Personal Information, we will delete such information from our files.

Access to Information

Your right of access can be exercised in accordance with the Colombian regulation. Any access request may be subject to a fee of US $25.00 to meet V&V's costs in providing you with details of the information it holds about you. V&V also asks that you provide it with two forms of photographic identification so that it can verify your identity. Any request should be in writing and addressed to V&V by mail at VBVH SAS, Carrera 23#68-22, Bogotá, Colombia. or by email at V&V will use reasonable efforts to supply, correct or delete personal information about the Customer on its files. V&V shall endeavor to respond as soon as practicably possible within the statutory period of 40 days from receipt of the request and fee.

Notification of Changes

We may use your Personal Data, such as your contact information, to inform you of changes to the Website or its content, or, if requested, to send you additional information about us. We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to change, modify or otherwise alter our Website, its content and this Privacy Policy at any time. Such changes and/or modifications shall become effective immediately upon posting our updated Privacy Policy. Please review this Privacy Policy periodically. Continued use of any of information obtained through or on the Website or its content following the posting of changes and/or modifications constituted acceptance of the revised Privacy Policy. Should there be a material change to our Privacy Policy, we will contact you via email or by a prominent note on our Website.

Data Controller and Processors

We are the data controllers as we are collecting and using your Personal Data. We use trusted third parties as our data processors for technical and organizational purposes, including for payments and email marketing. We use reasonable efforts to make sure our data processors are GDPR- compliant.

Data Transfers

V&V Vehículos VIP is based in the Republic of Colombia. Personal Information that we collect may be transferred to, and stored at, any of our affiliate operators, partners or service providers which may be inside or outside the European Economic Area (“EEA”) and Switzerland, including the United States. By submitting your personal data, you agree to such transfers. Your Personal Information may be transferred to countries that do not have the same data protection laws as the country in which you initially provided the information. When we transfer or disclose your Personal Information to other countries, we will protect that information as described in this Privacy Policy.

Updates to this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time for any reason; each version will apply to information collected while it was in place. We will notify you of any modifications to our Privacy Policy by posting the new Privacy Policy on our Site and indicating the date of the latest revision. You are advised to consult this Privacy Policy regularly for any changes.

In the event that the modifications materially alter your rights or obligations hereunder, we will make reasonable efforts to notify you of the change. For example, we may send a message to your email address or generate a pop-up or similar notification when you access the Service for the first time after such material changes are made. Your continued use of the Service after the revised Privacy Policy has become effective indicates that you have read, understood and agreed to the current version of this Privacy Policy.

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at

Wer sind wir?

V&V VEHICULOS VIP ist ein kolumbianisches Unternehmen, das von zwei französischen Unternehmern mit dem Ziel gegründet wurde, in Kolumbien und Lateinamerika einen Chauffeur-Autoservice mit internationalen Standards für hohe Führungskräfte und Luxustourismus zu schaffen.

Wir bieten unseren Kunden in Kolumbien und dem Rest der Welt einen Autoservice auf hohem Niveau mit permanenter Betonung der Servicequalität, die uns ständig den Marktanforderungen vorwegnimmt oder anpasst. Alle unsere Prozesse sind etabliert und aktualisiert auf der Suche nach den innovativsten, sichersten, wettbewerbsfähigsten und nachhaltigsten Lösungen.


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